Admin guide


Test with Docker

A local test instance of Oncall can be setup with Docker in a few commands:

cd ./ops/packer
mkdir output
python ./oncall.yaml | tail -n +2 > ./output/oncall.json
packer build -only=docker oncall.json
docker run -d --name oncall-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD='1234' mysql:5.7
docker run -d --link oncall-mysql:mysql -p 8080:8080 -e DOCKER_DB_BOOTSTRAP=1


We pass a DOCKER_DB_BOOTSTRAP environment variable to the Oncall container indicating to our setup script that the database needs to be initialized. This will populate the database with a small amount of dummy data and set up the proper schema so we can get up and running.

The above commands set up an Oncall service and MySQL database. Note that we set the MySQL root password to ‘1234’; you may wish to change this to something more secure.

The test instance of Oncall can be accessed at http://localhost:8080. Try logging in as the user “jdoe”, with any password (the Docker image defaults to disable authentication, which authenticates all credentials so long as the user exists in the DB). You can navigate to the “Browse Teams” page and check out “Test Team”, which shows a calendar page where you can create and modify events. See User guide for more information on how to interact with the UI.

Adding Users

Users may be imported from other systems such as LDAP and Slack. This process is extensible by developing your own plugins.

Let’s use LDAP as an example. First we configure the user_sync process to use the ldap_sync module, then we provide specific configuration for this module to connect to LDAP.

  module: 'oncall.user_sync.ldap_sync'

  url: 'ldaps://'
  base: 'ou=accounts,dc=company,dc=org'
  user: 'cn=oncall,ou=serviceaccount,dc=company,dc=org'
  password: 'xxxx'
  cert_path: '/etc/ldap_cert.pem'
  query: '(uid=*)'
    username: 'uid'
    full_name: 'cn'
    mail: 'mail'
    mobile: 'mobile'
  image_url: ''

User synchronization is a seperate process which needs to be started manually, but will continue to run in a loop, updating users as necessary.

To run this process, you simply point to the configuration file:

./oncall-user-sync /home/oncall/config/config.yaml

Now that your users are in Oncall, they can be accessed by Iris. Note that this too is a manually triggered synchronization process, rather than just a call to Oncall. But while Iris will import these as Targets, it will still call Oncall to determine who is the current Oncall-primary and secondary, when creating a new message to be sent.


It is also possible to use Oncall-admin to do manual user administration

Ldap Authentication

Alternatively, you can configure oncall ldap authentication to use the oncall.auth.modules.ldap_import module. When a user try to connect to oncall, the module will check if the user is already present or not. If not, the user will be automatically added to the oncall user database, and conacts information will be synced. If the user already exists, his contacts informations will be updated according to ldap informations. You can deactivate this feature by setting the import_user option to False.

Here is an example of ldap auth configuration :

  debug: False
  module: 'oncall.auth.modules.ldap_import'
  ldap_url: 'ldaps://'
  ldap_user_suffix: ''
  ldap_cert_path: '/etc/ldap_cert.pem'
  ldap_bind_user: 'cn=oncall,ou=serviceaccount,dc=company,dc=org'
  ldap_bind_password: 'xxxx'
  ldap_base_dn: 'ou=accounts,dc=company,dc=org'
  ldap_search_filter: '(uid=%s)'
  import_user: True
    username: 'uid'
    full_name: 'cn'
    email: 'mail'
    call: '0123456789'
    sms: '0123456789'
    slack: 'uid'

Note if one of the attrs for ldap mapping to oncall contacts information is missing in ldap, the configured attr value will be used as the default value. For example if the ldap does not have a phone attribute for a user, the default valut will be the 0123456789 call number.

Iris Integration

To allow Oncall users to escalate issues via Iris, you will need to configure the iris_plan_integration section of the Oncall config. This lets you define a dynamic Iris plan for urgent and non-urgent escalations from the Oncall frontend, and also allows teams to define a custom escalation plan that may be triggered. The example Iris/Oncall installations should be configured with a working Oncall escalation plan called “Oncall test”. To configure this setting, do the following:

  1. In the Iris frontend logged in as an admin user (demo by default), create an application corresponding to Oncall (“oncall” in the example data). This application must define the “requester” and “description” variables.
  2. Update the Oncall config file with this name, along with the Iris API key and host
  3. Create a template in Iris that has an application template for Oncall.
  4. Create a dynamic plan in Iris (“Oncall test” in the example).
  5. Ensure CORS is allowed from Oncall to Iris in the Iris configuration file.
  6. Update the Oncall config file with this dynamic plan name, and map roles/targets to that plan’s dynamic targets. In the example, target 0 in “Oncall test” maps to a team’s primary oncall, target 1 maps to all members of the team, and target 2 maps to the manager of the team.
  7. Test the integration via the Oncall frontend. Oncall should create an Iris incident and trigger the configured Iris plan’s escalation steps.